Tuesday, May 14, 2013

yes, better week

walked with a touch of jogging an almost 5k (about three miles or so i believe it is three times around crane's roost, a park nearby) for a charity walk to promote children's mental health and felt good after... continued the water intake until a couple of days ago and the last few days i've had milk and some caffeine, but very little caffeine... sugar the past two days in desserts... ate meat and all sorts of foods this week... all seems to be status quo, that is, i know my kidneys are there and have stones in them and bubbles of sort, but no extra pain, no signs of infection, and minimal signs of stones... so yay...

tinnitus continues as the constant companion for my left ear... left neck aches continue on and off almost daily... right bicep continuing to improve and can throw overhand very gingerly (still not throwing overhand in games... the arm aches after pitching, but less than last week)... range of motion continues to improve... still standing most of the time and laying down when not standing... sitting only when visiting friends or eating out... liking this minimal sitting thing... the rhoid or pollup thing comes and goes, occasional irritation but no blood or pain... overall fatigue level is a bit higher than in past years at times, yet simultaneously feel more rested than i've been in more than a decade...

and that's the latest news from the body... good news, mostly :)

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