Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Running Backwards

Ok, so for those of you who do not visit my daily blog, I am going to link some posts from there to help fill in this blog since I've neglected this blog for three and a half months. In case it matters. As far back as the day after the last entry here I was lamenting (complaining?) about not being here, but I ignored my complaints well.

February, At Least.
If you recall, this all started with food poisoning. I think. Or was it the leg. Or was it a few years ago with the mysterious digestive disorder that no one has diagnosed properly. Feel free to read back a few years to catch up. This will be here when you get back.

May, I think up.
The roller coaster of weight gain and loss is not fun anymore. So somewhere in May I received news of bad labs (which was supposed to be summarized here, but wasn't) and a good doctor (at least on first impression). I seemed to be deep into ambivalent apathy at the time, a place I seem to visit way too often in the last twenty years. Or is that a lifetime? So I played a game to distract myself.

June, I think down.
I've been going to doctors more in this year than I ever have in any previous year in this lifetime. Results have been eh and bleh and blah (or perhaps sigh) because too many medical people really don't listen. What makes it worse is often I don't listen either.

July, Walk On Through the Rain, Pain, and Insane-ity.
The medical profession continues to consistently disappoint so focusing on the positive (which I am struggling to do more and more, at least it's consistent. I should explain that I was diagnosed with C.Diff again as semi-expected after the emergency room doctor prescribed the same oral antibiotic that allowed the C.Diff to bloom after my repeated pleas to four different doctors to find an alternative to the oral antibiotic. The GI doctor did not remember I called and told him this was likely, so his office told me I may need surgery and put me on the most powerful anti-C.Diff drug there is. The pharmacy gave me the wrong amount of pills and I suffered all month trying to get the pharmacy, doctor's office, and insurance companies (yes two, since Blue Cross contracts with a pharmacy insurance who was screwing up communications with the pharmacy and doctor's office which caused physical pain and medical complications for me). I am taking Dificid now, but the drug might not work because I did not have enugh and the C.Diff could have become resistant because of the inconsistent regimen.

So July was a month of ups and downs on many levels, including the body. I think I may have summed it (at least the latest installment of the C.Diff journey, which is on-going) up in this entry.

So, in case it matters, I am still alive.

Are you?

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