Sunday, January 13, 2013


when i started this blog it was meant to be a place where the body could speak, where all the brain's rational thinking would be put aside and the physical sensations were the voice... i found that voice inconsistently, but the idea is sound and though i've lost that way, it seems, i shall look for it again...

i'd also like to get back to the point where i think 185 pounds is fat :}

so remembering is a good thing and it started while jog/walking this morning and it better continue cuz i don't want to be a grumpy old man when i get old (who's old?... pfft)... yes, so i tend to start remembering again in december, which makes sense, because it is the first month of my personal calendar year (everybody has a personal calendar year, right?) and it is my remembering month (the 1st, 7th, 8th, and 16th are celebratory memory holidays for me... we can get into my personal calendar another time in another place, but anyway)... i tend to be hopeful this time of year... but the roller coaster up and down ride i put this body through is ridiculous and dangerous to body health... so i am going to attempt to find that body voice again... it probably doesn't like me very much...

i don't like him very much...

he woke up a little this morning, but it is not much fun having a brain and consciousness that is out of touch with me... hope he wakes up and remembers that he is nothing without me... or whatever, but nothing in this life at least... take care of me better or else, ya know?...

oh yeah, and i am a boy, not an it :P

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