Tuesday, January 15, 2013

day four

as if life began again four days ago, the count continues... only 5 laps today because i thought that would be sensible so i shot for a five lap best time and got it by 9 seconds... thing is, after that other 5 lap time i continued for two more laps and set the best time for 7 laps... that was day two of this four day push... so today could have been better... though muscle fatigue is felt... whatever, just continue...

3:24.7; 4:07.5; 4:17.8; 4:12.8; 4:04.7... 20:07.5... best total 2 lap, 4 lap, and 5 lap times... also best individual 2nd and 4th lap times... brain loves numbers... ego loves bests... body benefits from improvements even though it hurts... heart seems ok with the push, though lungs and diaphragm were near their limits without lung burn or cramping... shins were ok, though left shin, ankle, and foot was straining... hamstrings a little tight, but loosen up and this is expected... while a rest day should be factored in, this push must continue...

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