Thursday, May 30, 2019

Almost Struggling

I should have gone to bed and fallen asleep. I've been ready to sleep every day this week in the afternoon, sometimes earlier. I've been feeding the body caffeine. I am thinking in short bursts now, because the mind is tired and the body is way more tires and the sugar level is low because the challenge I am taking on is calorie reduction again after a few weeks of weight gain due to enjoying the high carb high fat foods I so dearly love. The food blog is due fr many updates, but for now, you'll just have to take my word for it.

Or not, as if anyone reads me anymore (surprise me, I'd love it, but I am so comfortable alone I might as well be comfortably numb and laughing at everything and loving every minute of it as long as I don't look outside my mind cuz the world is a sick place these days and people are the disease, but that's another struggle I am almost struggling with and if you don't see the laughter in my word play then you really don't know me, but that's ok, you don't have to, there's no law or anything).

What kind of body blog is this, anyway?

Commit to the change, now.


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