Saturday, September 13, 2014


i do not exercise enough, enough being a minimum of daily for thirty minutes and better yet a minimum of an hour a day (more please, says so many body parts, including the brain) and i do not steam the body in the shower as much as i used to, enough being daily and i don't mean a quick cleansing shower which does happen at least daily, i mean a fifteen minute (or longer) hot as i can stand it shower followed by a five minute cold cool down shower... unfortunately, water is precious so i do not do the hour showers i did as a child, but the heat and cool is so vital to the body... dragging myself to the hot tub and pool seems too much trouble but even beyond the laziness, the privacy is the missing piece of that route... i miss my own hot tub and pool... and house, for that matter... regardless of the missing pieces and obstacles, i am doing this body and life a serious disservice by not exercising and steaming the body daily... like do i want to just die?...

fool i am these days...